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Http.Header History :

 Version 1.0
The first complete version of http.header was realized in July 2000.
This tool was created because i needed it.
I had to configuring a web server and see the headers it was sending.
This first version of the script was written in Perl.
It was just the begining of some bug fixes and improvements.
 Version 1.x
Added automatic "try again" in case of http code 3xx (Redirect).
Added stats and logging.
Added color in response of http header & Improved script codding.
Corrected bug in automatic "try again" on particular servers.
 Version 2.0
The script was totally re-written in Php 3 because of an issue of hosting.
Now, all this site is hosted by
A second form has been added for more complete analysis.
 Version 2.1 - 2.2
New design of homepage with DHTML and added some informative pages.
 Version 2.3
New design of homepage with DHTML. Added the "show request" feature.
 To be continued !

You want some particular features / infos ? Mail-me !



Matthieu Delgrange 2006 - - Home